It’s no secret that good training and onboarding can make a world of difference for new employees. But what about performance management? How important is it to establish clear expectations and provide feedback early on? And what role does onboarding play in all of this? Performance management is a powerful tool for engaging new employees early on, and the sooner you start providing feedback, the better.

How to track performance

There are a few different ways to track employee progress. One way is to use a training matrix. This is a table that lists the training topics, the employees who need training on that topic, and the training date. You can also use a training checklist to track employee progress. This is a list of training topics and the employees who have completed the training. Another way to track employee progress is to use a performance appraisal. This is a review of how an employee is performing in their job. The performance appraisal can be used to identify training needs and set personal and departmental goals for the employee. These milestones can create a pathway for an employee in the early stages of the role, helping achieve a sense of progression and motivation with what can sometimes be a steep learning curve.


Onboarding is a crucial part of initiating performance management for new employees. It helps ensure that employees are properly trained and oriented to their new job. The onboarding process is important for setting new employees up for success. Part of the onboarding process should include a performance management plan. This plan will outline how you will manage the employee’s performance. It should include what training they need, how you will measure their performance, and what goals you have for them. The performance management plan should be reviewed and updated as needed.

Onboarding should also include familiarisation with the company’s policies and procedures, as well as training on the specific tasks that the employee will be responsible for. It can also include social activities, such as team-building exercises, so that the new employee feels welcome and integrated into the company culture. A well designed onboarding process helps to ensure that new employees are productive and engaged from the start, and it can also help to reduce employee turnover.

Training and Development

Training and development is an important part of the onboarding process. It helps new employees to learn the company’s policies and procedures, which in turn improves their productivity and retention. In addition, training and development can help new employees to build relationships with their co-workers and develop their skills through peer learning. Finally, training and development can help new employees to feel more comfortable in their new role and make the transition into their new job smoother.


Performance management for new employees is the process of training, orienting and monitoring their progress in order to ensure they are meeting the standards set by the company. Onboarding plays a critical role in performance management, as it provides a framework for setting expectations and tracking employee progress. By using effective tools to track employee progress such as checklists or training manuals, companies can identify any potential issues before they become a problem and help employees stay in their jobs for longer.


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