Coaching & Mentoring

Reskill and Upskill Your Workforce to Prepare for the future

Coaching & Mentoring

Reskill and Upskill Your Workforce to Prepare for the future

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a confidential and structured discussion aimed at enabling learning, actions and results in individuals and teams. 

Coaching enables individuals to improve their strengths, build upon their weaknesses and recognise their own resources and capabilities. 

Coaches work within an objective and structured process to empower the individual seeking coaching to arrive at their own decisions through direct and challenging discussion evoking thought and transformation.


Coaching can be delivered as a stand-alone service or a series of sessions integrated into development programmes

Coaching sessions can be conducted in person, via telephone or video chat

Coaching sessions typically last 1-2 hours at a time

Types of Coaching Offered

Leadership & Management Coaching:

An individualised process that builds a Leader’s capability to achieve short and long term organizational goals. Coaching is personalised, customised, usually conducted one-on-one for a defined period of time and with a specific business purpose in mind. Leadership coaching focuses on enhancing performance for leaders
at all levels.

Group Coaching:

Peer learning in a Group setting which enables the collective wisdom of the group to emerge. Group Coaching is less about putting the individual on the spot and more about aligning the group or team towards a joint goal. Group Coaching is beneficial when there is change, conflict or misplaced goal alignment. It opens up accountability and can be used as a follow-on to training.

Executive Coaching:

Focuses on helping the individual move from where they are to where they want themselves and their organisation to be. It is one on one coaching with an objective third party not linked to the Executives organisation. Executive coaching supports and develops the individual within the context of their job whilst allowing them to maintain their day to day responsibilities.

Career Coaching:

To help you appreciate the skills and experience that you have accumulated. Those opportunities may be through education, upskilling or networking. Your circumstances may have an impact – looking to move in your career but are stuck? Unemployed and want to get back into the workplace? Retired or redundant and struggling to identify where next? – enables you to view the bigger picture, recognise the blocks that are stopping you from being where you want to be and working a path forward to identify opportunities.

Coaching Skills for Management:

To help you develop the skills and ability to apply the principles of coaching to your staff for effective performance and enhanced team building. You gain the key tools to building trust, facilitating self-awareness and drawing out solutions from your staff through effective listening and great questions.


What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a means by which experienced employees offer insight and guidance to newer, often younger employees to help support their introduction to a role or an organisation.

Mentoring can help with confidence, personal & professional development and can also identify knowledge and skills gaps for new employees.

CareerSpace Mentoring Support

If your organisation would like support in making the most of mentoring relationships within your organisation, then CareerSpace can help. Guidance and support is provided by our experienced team to help prepare company Mentors for the role which can help all involved to captialise on the learning and experience from mentor-mentee relationship.

Mentoring is a crucial part of our Graduate Programmes due to the benefits in developing yougnger less experienced staff. If you would like to introduce Mentoring in your organisation, get in touch to find out more.

Request a call back

Get in touch today, phone us on 01 404 76 84


Unit 10B Santry Business Park,
Swords Road,
Dublin 9.

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